Arts and Sciences Advising Center
Our professional academic advisors provide developmental academic advising and educational assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in the college on a drop-in basis and for scheduled appointments.
The mission of academic advising in the College of Arts and Sciences is to help students plan their educational path, take full advantage of the academic and co-curricular programs of the university, and develop strong personal connections with the university community.
Our college employs a shared advising model utilizing faculty advisors located in academic departments and professional academic advisors located in the Arts and Sciences Advising Center.
Current Students
What Our Students Say
Arts and Sciences Student
"My experience with advising and mentoring at Seattle University has been exemplary. My advisors have helped me navigate complicated scheduling issues and have helped me craft a course plan that fits my unique professional and personal goals."
All Arts and Sciences students have an assigned academic advisor who is either located in their major department/program or in the Arts and Sciences Advising Center. The college adheres to the following academic advising requirements:
- First-year and transfer undergraduate students meet with a professional advisor prior to their first quarter at SU. After that, all new undergraduate students meet with their assigned academic advisor 1-on-1 each quarter of their first year at SU prior to the registration period.
- Graduate students are assigned an academic advisor in the degree department.
- All students typically meet with their academic advisors at least once per year.
- Each student can discuss a course plan with an advisor upon entering a new major.
Your academic advisor is an important resource and mentor throughout your time at Seattle University. They will connect you with academic success resources, to help you reach your potential both in and outside of the classroom.
- Help students to make and reach academic, career, and life goals.
- Assist students in discernment of educational and career goals.
- Discuss co-curricular opportunities and make appropriate referrals and connections as necessary, such as study abroad, research, internships and more.
- Help students overcome barriers to academic success.
- Work with students to utilize educational planning materials and take responsibility for their education. Discuss course selections on a quarterly basis.
- Provide information regarding requirements, policies, and procedures.
- Are responsible for their educational experience.
- Discern their educational goals and make an educational plan that includes academic and co-curricular activities.
- Know their curriculum requirements and track progress towards graduation.
- Follow SU academic policies, procedures, and deadlines.
- Use MySeattleU, the University Catalog, and curriculum handbooks as information resources.
- Use advising sessions effectively, be on time, bring materials, and have questions ready.
We are Here to Help
Arts and Sciences Advising Center